Pilates mat (in-person & online)


    Our Mat Pilates Certification features classical and contemporary exercises thorough an embodiment-focused lens. It includes one weekend of in-person training with our lead instructors, plus self-practice, observation, and teaching hours, totaling 86 hours for graduation. The training is complemented by our digital foundations manual for class programming, pre-recorded classes with detailed instructions, guidance on training different populations, injury management, modifications, and interpersonal skills crucial for a successful career in Pilates instruction.

  • what you will learn

    • classical and contemporary mat pilates repertoire

    • modifications, contraindications, progressions, and cueing

    • how to use props for mat work

    • embodiment and trauma-informed language

    • assessing a client

    • succeeding as a pilates instructor and beyond

    • in-person mat instruction opportunities

    • mentoring by leading pilates instructors


    Prior to enrollment:
    Completion of Pilates Foundations (Online) (Certificate of Participation at minimum)

    For Graduation:
    - 21 hours lectures and workshops (16 in studio, 5 hours digital Foundations course (self paced))
    - 25 hours self-practice
    - 20 hours practice teaching
    - 20 hours observation (mat classes only, in studio or online)
    - 10 hours mentorship (optional bonus hours)


    Pilates Mat certification

    better understanding of your own body, emotional and physical, own movement and own pilates practice

    ability to teach mat pilates privates and classes

    become an integral part of the ritual moves community, events and workshops/continuing education

    learn and grow into the ritual moves methodology

    access to discounted workshops in somatic experiencing, applied neurology and biomechanics, breathwork and meditation

    printed manual

    potential to teach at the ritual moves studio in austin or any modern Pilates studio


    Steps to Certification

    1. Get in Touch
    Connect with our facilitators to discuss your interest in the program and ask any questions you may have.

    2. Get Approved
    Once your application is reviewed and approved by our Director of Teacher Training, you will receive an email with detailed enrollment instructions for the course.

    3. Payment
    Complete the full course payment and purchase the Foundations module, a prerequisite to the program.

    4. Complete the Course
    Fulfill all course requirements, including full attendance at the in-person training weekend.

    5. Mentoring, Practice, and Observation Hours
    Over the next eight weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to attend:

    - Two weekly mentoring classes focused on repertoire.
    - Two weekly practice teaching sessions with real clients.

    These sessions will count toward your required mentoring, practice, and observation hours. Additionally, you’ll have access to open-studio hours, where you can:

    - Bring in your own clients to practice teaching.
    - Engage in self-practice.
    - Observe Ritual Moves classes.

    You are also welcome to complete these hours at other studios, online, or at home—whichever fits your schedule.

    6. Get Certified
    Successfully complete the certification requirements, which include:

    - A two-part practical assessment and video submission.

    Participants who attend all mandatory lecture sessions but opt not to take the assessment will receive a Certificate of Attendance. Upon successful completion of the assessment, a Certificate of Completion will be issued within 14 days.

    7. Congratulations!
    You are now a certified Mat Pilates instructor and eligible to teach Mat pilates!


    Pilates Mat: $1450 + foundations course ($499)

    Available for Purchase: Now!

    All sales are final.